Mar 12, 2025
Catalog 2025-2026
Pre-Medicine/Pre-Dentistry, AS
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Degree: Associate in Science
Total Units: 93
Purpose: The Pre-Medicine/Pre-Dentistry program is intended for person who wish to prepare for a career in a medical profession. Medical schools do not give higher priority to a given major field of study when selecting candidates. You are therefore encouraged to formulate a program of study which is scholastically challenging, and which can be the basis for a future career or for graduate study in the event you are not admitted to a medical school. The program outlined below provides a solid foundation in the natural and physical sciences. If you complete this program of study, you are reasonably assured of being able to transfer with junior standing to most four-year colleges and universities in Washington State. You are urged to consult with your advisor as you plan your curriculum and select electives. This will allow your advisor to coordinate your program with the requirements of your intended major at the institution to which you expect to transfer.
Suggested Order of Classes
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