Enrollment Services Office
TransAlta Commons Building, Second Floor
360-623-8976 Main Campus • 360-496-5022 Centralia College East
When estimating college costs, students are reminded to include amounts for tuition and fees, special fees, books, supplies, transportation, and living expenses. The college accepts most major credit cards for payment of tuition, fees, books, and supplies. Check with the cashier for details.
Tuition and Fees
Tuition rates for Centralia College are set annually by the state legislature and the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges.
The most up-to-date tuition rates and fees are posted on the Centralia College website.
The Associated Students of Centralia College (ASCC) student fee of $30 per quarter will be charged in addition to tuition and fees. Student Use Fee of $4 per credit (up to 10 credits/maximum $40 per quarter). Student Project Fee of 5 percent per credit (up to 18 credits). Lab/course fees may apply.
- ABE/ESL - $25 per student/per quarter
- Parent Education - $16 per credit
- Senior Citizen Courses (ASI and SNRC) - $20 per credit + fees
- Vocational 18+ credits - No charge
- EMT - $31 per credit
- Apprentice - $56.62 per credit
- Veterans, child and spouse of totally disabled POW/MIA or deceased eligible veterans or National Guard members tuition waiver - 100 percent
- Space Available Basis*
- State Employee Waiver - $20 per quarter up to two quarters
- Senior Citizen Waiver - $5 per quarter up to two classes + fees
*Students wanting to use this waiver can register for the class on third day of the quarter with instructor permission.
Financial Obligation
Students are expected to meet all financial obligations by established deadlines. Centralia College may remove students from classes by the census date if the student has not paid tuition and fees in full, qualified for a waiver, established a payment plan, or received a guarantee from a third-party payer. The college may revoke registration privilege if the student has unpaid debt of any amount. Financial obligations of $100 and above will be sent to a collections agency as described by Business Office procedures.
Payment Plan
Centralia College offers a payment plan to help students spread the cost of tuition and fees throughout the quarter. Students can enroll in a payment plan by visiting the ctcLink Student Homepage. Click on Financial Account, then Payment Plans, then Enroll in Payment Plan.
Residency Requirement
Students who are residents of Washington pay less for tuition than nonresident students. This is because Washington taxpayers pay the difference in cost for Washington residents. Washington law determines residency status for tuition purposes. New legislation (SB 5194), effective July 25, 2021, provides more opportunities for students to meet residency requirements for in-state tuition.
To qualify, students must meet all of the following requirements:
- Earn a high school diploma, GED, or diploma equivalent before their first term at the college determining residency.
- Maintain a primary residence in Washington for at least 12 consecutive months immediately before their first term at the college determining residency.
- Sign an affidavit saying they meet the above requirements and that one of the following is true:
- They will file an application to become a permanent resident of the United States as soon as they are eligible to apply. And, that they are willing to engage in activities designed to prepare them for citizenship, including citizenship or civics review courses or
- They are a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or U.S. permanent resident.
How to submit the affidavit:
- Individuals who applied or will apply for state financial aid using the Washington Application for State Financial Aid (WASFA)
WASFA-filers submitted/will submit the affidavit as part of the WASFA. The WASFA is for undocumented students, students who are not eligible for federal aid, and students who do not want to apply for federal aid.
- Individuals who applied or will apply for federal and state financial aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or who are not applying for aid
FAFSA-filers or people not applying for aid will submit a PDF form to their school.
Nonresident tuition is required of students whose legal residence is outside of Washington. There are some limited exceptions to this rule. The Enrollment Services Office can explain these exceptions. Nonresidents of Washington pay a slightly higher rate.
International students attending Centralia College are classified as nonresidents unless they meet the qualifications above. International students pay the highest rate.
To apply to change residency classification, students must complete the Residency Questionnaire form and provide documentation within 30 calendar days of the beginning of the quarter for which they have registered. Residency forms and regulations are available in the Enrollment Services Office.
Refund Policy
The state determines the limits of Centralia College’s refund policy. Refund requests must be made to the Enrollment Services Office.
Students who officially withdraw from a class or from the college through the Enrollment Services Office may be entitled to a refund. Refunds may not be arranged by telephone. Refund policies are available on the Centralia College website.
For classes beginning after the first week of the quarter, refunds are calculated according to policies listed on the college website. Centralia College can issue a refund only after the student has paid outstanding debts. Financial aid is refunded directly to the financial aid agency. The Financial Aid Handbook has detailed information about how this is done. Centralia College distributes refunds by check. Allow 12 business days for processing. Refunds are credited for payments made with a credit card to that credit card account. If a class is canceled, students will automatically be refunded 100 percent.
Centralia College does not refund special fees after the first class day. Centralia College does not refund lab fees after the 10th class day. Before those deadlines, Centralia College will refund the fees in full provided the student has not used the supplies. If supplies are used, the refund will be prorated.
The cashier may require verification by the instructor before refunds are made.
Exceptions to the Refund Policy
Requests for students to have all or part of their tuition and fees refunded, to the original funder, and/or a withdrawal may be considered due to any of the following reasons:
- Medical reasons in accordance to the RCW 28B.15.605,
- Military Servicemembers called to service in accordance to the RCW 28B.10.270,
- or Extreme Hardships, at the discretion and approval of the Director of Enrollment Services or designee.
Contact Enrollment Services for more information.
Non-Sufficient Funds Check Policy
Centralia College charges $25 for each NSF (non-sufficient funds) check. This charge may be subject to change. Centralia College will place a hold on registration, grades, transcripts, etc., until students settle the NSF check and associated fees. All NSF checks will be sent to a collection agency in 15 days. The collection agency may charge an additional collection fee and interest. A student’s registration may be canceled if the NSF check is for tuition (including lab and other fees).
If a student fails to meet their financial obligations to the college, the college will block their registration. Students have the right to make a written appeal regarding fees, refunds, fines, charges, debts, or other financial obligations to the college. Appeals can be addressed to the Director of Business Services.
Financial Aid
Financial Aid Office
TransAlta Commons Building, Second Floor
360-623-8975 • 360-330-7105 Fax
More than 70 percent of Centralia College students receive some form of financial aid. Financial aid awards are made on a first-come, first-served basis. Early application is recommended.
Centralia College has a financial aid priority funding deadline of April 15. Students must complete a financial aid file by this date to be considered for maximum funding. If the priority deadline is not met, the student’s financial aid file will still be reviewed but, if the student qualifies, funding may not be ready by the first day of classes. In that case, students need to pay their own tuition by the posted deadline. Payment plans are available. See www.centralia.edu/funding/pay.aspx for details.
Students are encouraged to check their ctcLink account to view the status of their financial aid. There, students can confirm what documents are needed and received.
In general, to be eligible for financial aid students must:
- Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen (FAFSA) or undocumented Washington resident (WASFA)
- Have a high school diploma or GED, or meet the ability to benefit guidelines
Applying for Aid
To apply for financial aid, students must submit the following:
- Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or, for Washington residents who are undocumented, DREAMers, or DACA, the WASFA (Washington Application for State Financial Aid)
- Centralia College Application for Admission - To be eligible for funding, students must be admitted to the college for the quarters they wish to receive funds.
- Centralia College Financial Aid Form (https://www.centralia.edu/funding/docs/cc_financial_aid_form.pdf)
- Verification or Other Required Forms - The Financial Aid Office may need additional forms. Students will be notified by email if this occurs.
Financial aid helps offset the cost of college. The primary responsibility for paying for education rests on the student and their family. However, if the combined financial resources are not enough to cover expenses, students may qualify for funding from these various sources:
- Grants (federal, state or institutional funds): Federal Pell Grant, Washington College Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, or Centralia College Grant
- WorkStudy (federal, state or institutional funds): Federal or State WorkStudy, Student Employment
- Scholarships (institutional): Centralia College (separate process for applying)
Centralia College does not participate in the Federal Direct Loan program, but alternative loans may be available through outside lending agencies.
Standards of Academic Progress (SAP)
To be awarded and continue to receive financial aid funds, students must meet Centralia College Financial Aid SAP standards. Students who do not meet the SAP standards or whose financial aid has been canceled have the option of submitting an appeal. The Financial Aid Office can provide additional information.
If a student is receiving financial aid and they completely withdraw from or stop attending their classes, the student may be required to repay a portion of the funds they received.
Workforce Funding
Workforce Funding Office
Transitional Services Building (TSB), Room 101
Worker Retraining
The Worker Retraining (WRT) program provides funding to Washington State community and technical colleges for dislocated and unemployed workers to enter approved training programs. Students may receive related support services including assistance with Employment Security Department applications, financial aid, career advising, educational planning, referral to training resources, job referral, and job development. Eligible students must apply for federal financial aid.
Students may be eligible for Worker Retraining support for any of the following reasons:
- Receiving or eligible to receive unemployment benefits
- Have exhausted unemployment benefits within the past 48 months.
- Formerly self-employed and currently unemployed due to general economic conditions.
- Unemployed veteran discharged within the past 48 months.
- Unemployed or underemployed after having been dependent on another family member’s income but no longer supported by that income due to separation, divorce, death, or permanent disability of the main wage earner, within in the past 48 months.
- A vulnerable worker (at risk of being unemployed) who meets certain requirements.
The WorkFirst program at Centralia College provides employment and training services to students who receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) from DSHS. WorkFirst can help students pay for tuition and books.
Approved programs include:
- High School Diploma
- Basic Skills
- English Language Acquisition (ELA)
- All professional-technical certificates/degrees
- Continuing Education (job-related)
WorkFirst students may also qualify for WorkFirst Student Support funds, childcare, and other benefits through DSHS.
Basic Food Employment & Training (BFET)
The BFET program can help students get the training they need for a better-paying job and economic security, To be eligible for the program, students must qualify for basic food assistance, but not be receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
BFET may assist with tuition and fees, required textbooks, and some required class supplies.
Approved programs include:
- High School Diploma
- Basic Skills
- English Language Acquisition (ELA)
- All professional-technical certificates/degrees
- Continuing Education (job-related)
- Most Associate of Arts degrees (focused)
BFET may assist with tuition and fees, required textbooks, and some required class supplies.
Early Achievers Grant (EAG)
The Early Achievers Grant is funded by the state Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) and provides job training funds to individuals who work in Early Achievers childcare facilities and want to further their education in early childhood development.
EAG may assist with tuition, fees, books and referrals to additional resources. Eligible students are encouraged to apply for federal financial aid.
Opportunity Grant
The Opportunity Grant program assists low-income students enrolled in college for training in approved high-wage, high-demand career pathways. Students who qualify for the Opportunity Grant program may be eligible to receive assistance with tuition, fees, books and some supplies. The grant may pay for up to a total of 45 units over a period of three years.
Passport to Careers
The Passport to Careers program is designed to meet the educational needs and life goals of current Lewis County Foster Youth or alumni of foster care between the ages of 15-26.
Passport to Careers provides assistance with applications for admission, financial aid (FAFSA), scholarships and Education Training Vouchers (ETV), as well as additional support services.
Outside Agencies
Students who expect to be funded by an outside agency (such as a tribe, L&I, or DVR, for example) need to ensure the payments reach the Cashier’s Office by the posted quarterly deadline. Failing to do so may result in being dropped from classes. For questions, please contact the Cashier’s Office at 360-623-8931 or cashieroffice@centralia.edu.
Centralia College Foundation
401 Centralia College Blvd.
Centralia College, through its foundation, has more than 250 scholarships available to new and continuing students. Scholarship applications are available on the college’s and foundation’s website beginning at the start of March and are typically due mid-April. Recipients are matched to the scholarships with the criteria that best fits their academic path and accomplishments. A single application applies to most of the scholarships to be awarded. There are additional steps for several scholarships, including nursing, valedictorian, and salutatorian scholarships. The foundation notifies recipients during spring quarter.
Services For Veterans
TransAlta Commons Building, Second Floor
Centralia College is approved to provide educational benefits to veterans, active-duty service members, National Guard, and eligible spouses/dependents who receive benefits.
School Certifying Official
Enrollment Services Office
Kathy Tukes
The School Certifying Official can provide the following: assistance through the education benefit application process; notification of enrollment and enrollment changes to the VA; help in interpreting, explaining, and implementing VA policies and college regulations.
Any changes to a student’s schedule or program must be immediately communicated to the School Certifying Official.
Veterans Center
Kirk Library, Room 103
The Centralia College Veterans Center is a dedicated safe zone on campus for all veterans, active duty personnel and spouses/dependents currently enrolled and receiving benefits. The Veterans Center connects students to both college and community veteran’s resources, as well as providing access to the computer lab, free printing, and a commons area.
Military Credit Acceptance
In response to RCW 28B.10.057, Centralia College will evaluate and grant credit hours for military education based on the recommendations from the American Council on Education’s (ACE) Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services. This is in accordance with transfer credit policies at Centralia College and the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. Students are required to supply Enrollment Services with an official copy of their Joint Services Transcript (JST) or a transcript from the Community College of the Air Force, as well as previous academic transcripts.
Early Registration
Centralia College allows early registration (as defined by RCW 28B.15.624 and HB 1052) to all eligible veterans (with qualifying DD214), National Guard members, and spouses/ dependents who are receiving VA Educational benefits. Refer to the Academic Calendar for registration dates.
Additional Information
Selected programs of study at Centralia College are approved by the Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board’s State Approving Agency (WTEECB/SAA) for enrollment of those eligible to receive benefits under Title 38 and Title 10. USC.
Centralia College does not and will not provide any commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on success in securing enrollment or financial aid to any persons or entities engaged in any student recruiting or admissions activities or in making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance.
Centralia College is required by the VA to limit student enrollment to 85 percent veteran enrollment per cohort. In the event a veteran wishes to enroll in a class that has already reached the 85 percent cap, they may do so, but it will not be eligible for VA funding. Chapter 35 and 31 students may still enroll even if the 85 percent has been realized. Note: This applies per USC 3680A(d)(1) for each program/ concentration/ track offered at the school.
Participation in Courses Pending VA Payment
In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679 subsection (e), Centralia College adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA. This school will not:
- Prevent the student’s enrollment;
- Assess a late penalty fee to;
- Require student secure alternative or additional funding;
- Deny their access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution.
However, to qualify for this provision, such students may be required to:
- Produce the Certificate of Eligibility by the first day of class;
- Provide written request to be certified;
- Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies