Mar 12, 2025  
Catalog 2025-2026 
Catalog 2025-2026


Enrollment Services Office

TransAlta Commons Building, Second Floor

Applying to Centralia College is easy

Applying is free and applications are accepted throughout the year for most programs. Start any quarter! Students must be at least 18 years old or have a high school diploma or GED certificate. (Exceptions apply, see Underage Admissions or Admissions for High School Diploma/GED). Running Start program participants must meet additional criteria. 

Some special admission programs, including Nursing and Bachelor of Applied Science, have additional admission requirements. The Nursing program requires an application fee.  

Admission to the college does not guarantee entry into all classes or programs.

Centralia College has a credit-based priority registration system that makes it easier for students to get the classes they need. Students with more credits register earlier, allowing them greater class and schedule choice. This especially benefits degree- or certificate-seeking students and those who plan to register for more popular classes.

For more information about class registration and becoming a priority student, please see the Registration section. Priority students will be assigned a faculty advisor.

Note: Persons with a disability who would like accommodations with any of the programs and services of the college, including admission, can contact the Disability Services Office at 360-623-8966. Students are encouraged to do this as early as possible

Admission as a Priority Student

To become a priority student, follow these steps:

I. New Student

Students who are beginning college for the first time and have graduated from high school or will soon graduate, have a GED, or have reached the age of 18, follow these steps:

  1. Apply for admission online on the college website.
  2. Complete or submit placement for both math and English. There are four options:
  • Take a Next-Generation ACCUPLACER placement test on campus. For test times and instructions, contact the Testing Center at 360-623-8920 or email
  • If a student has completed placement someplace else, they can submit their scores to the Enrollment Services Office. Next-Generation ACCUPLACER, applicable AP scores, and Smarter Balanced are some of the scores that will be accepted. Check with Enrollment Services to determine how long your score is valid.
  • High School Transcripts may be used for placement. Provide Enrollment Services a copy of the transcript to see if any of the completed classes qualify for placement.
  • Students who have taken an English and/or math class, with a passing grade, can use their transcripts from regionally accredited colleges to waive the appropriate placement test. Submit transcripts to Enrollment Services

II. Transfer Student

Students who have attended another college or university can follow these steps:

  1. Apply for admission online on the college website.
  2. Complete placement in both math and English. There are three options:
  • Take a Next-Generation ACCUPLACER placement test on campus. For test times and instructions, contact the Testing Center at 360-623-8920 or email
  • Students who have completed testing someplace else must submit their test scores to the Enrollment Services Office. Test scores must be no older than two years.
  • Students who have taken an English and/or math class, with a passing grade, can use their transcripts to waive the appropriate placement test. Submit transcripts to Enrollment Services.

III. Returning Student

Students who have attended Centralia College in the past can follow these steps:

  1. Students who have been away for less than a year (1-3 academic quarters) need to submit a Returning Student Form online at
  2. Students who previously completed classes but have been gone more than three quarters are considered new students and can apply online at
  3. Students who have attended another college or university since they last took classes at Centralia College must forward an official transcript(s) to the Enrollment Services Office and submit a Credit Evaluation Application if they want their credits considered for their degree.

Important Note: All admission and enrollment information is sent via email to the addresses provided on the application. To avoid complications and delays, applicants should check their email often. Occasionally, acceptance emails will be sent to “junk” or “spam” folders by the email filter. Students are advised to check these folders if they are awaiting emails from Enrollment Services. Students can change their address by going to their ctcLink Student Homepage, clicking on the Profile tab, and clicking on Addresses.

Evaluation of Transfer Credits

The Enrollment Services Office determines which credits transfer and how they apply to a degree or program. Transfer of credits and the application requesting credits be evaluated and transferred to a degree or program are two separate but related processes. Not all transfer credits apply to every degree or certificate. Semester credits convert to quarter credits by multiplying the semester credits by 1.5.

Note: Credits earned at regionally accredited colleges and universities are eligible for transfer to Centralia College.

Application for Credit Evaluation

Centralia College uses a two-step process to determine which transfer credits apply to Centralia College degrees or certificates. Students must:

  1. Have an official copy of their transcripts sent directly to the college or submit a sealed official transcript to the Enrollment Services Office.
  2. Complete and submit an Application for Credit Evaluation for official evaluation. This form is available online at Centralia College does not evaluate transcripts without an official Credit Evaluation Application from the student.

Note: Enrolled students should allow a minimum of six weeks for processing from the start of the first quarter after their transcript arrives and/or after the Application for Credit Evaluation is submitted.

Transcripts become the property of Washington State and become part of a student’s official file. They cannot be returned or sent to another school or college. Centralia College does not issue or certify copies of transcripts from other institutions.

Academic Credit for Prior Learning

In addition to taking classes from Centralia College or transferring credits from other colleges, there are other ways students may be able to apply credits towards their program. These are called non-traditional credits. Non-traditional credits are granted on a case-by-case basis consistent with non-traditional credit requirements established by NWCCU. Students receiving non-traditional credit must meet Centralia College’s degree requirements. Centralia College will recognize four categories of Credit for Non-Traditional Learning, as follows (descriptions are taken from the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges):

  1. Credit by Testing: Commonly accepted higher education equivalency exams that are documented via transcripts or other official record.
    1. Advanced Placement. Centralia College will grant a minimum elective credit for an Advanced Placement (AP) score of 3 or higher. Credit will be awarded on the basis of official AP results, not transcript notation. AP grade reports should be requested from the College Board and sent to the Enrollment Services office.
    2. Cambridge International. Centralia College will grant a minimum elective credit for each Cambridge International (CI) Examination for A-level exam with a passing grade or above for approved examinations. Credit will be awarded on the basis of official CI Examination results, not transcript notation. Duplicate credit for the same subject taken on different exams will not be granted. No grades are posted for A-level exams.
    3. International Baccalaureate. Centralia College will grant a minimum elective credit for an International Baccalaureate (IB) Higher Level (HL) exam score of 5 or higher. Credit will be awarded on the basis of official IB results, not transcript notation, that have been submitted to Enrollment Services. For International Baccalaureate Exams, Washington community and technical colleges though the Articulation and Transfer Council (ATC) are in the process of conducting a review of Higher-Level exams for grades of 4, along with a comprehensive review of Standard Level (SL) subjects to determine credit award policies for exams with grades of 4 or higher.
  2. Prior Experiential Learning: Knowledge and skills acquired through experience alone, evaluated by a faculty member via evaluation of a compilation of work.
  3. Extra-Institutional Learning: Knowledge and skills acquired outside the institution and verified through third-party certifications, industry-recognized testing/ training, or crosswalks. Refer to Policy 4.121 for the Military Credit Acceptance Policy.
  4. Course Challenges: Challenge examinations are sufficiently comprehensive to determine that the student has the same knowledge and skills as those students who enroll in, and successfully complete, the course. A student should have previous training, private study, work experience, or other bona fide qualifications indicating the student has the knowledge or abilities equivalent to course completers.

Admission as an International Student

Enrollment Services Office

TransAlta Commons Building, Second Floor

Centralia College encourages and welcomes students from other countries who want to pursue a quality education. Centralia College offers academic and technical programs. For immigration and tuition purposes, international students are classified as nonimmigrant (F-1 or M-1 visa), non-U.S. citizens, and non-residents. Application forms are available online at

Admission Requirements

To be considered for admission to Centralia College, the following items must be submitted to the International Student Programs office via email to or via postal mail to International Student Programs, 600 Centralia College Blvd, Centralia, WA 98531:

  1. Completed and signed International Student Application
  2. Proof of adequate financial support for all expenses for one academic year, e.g., official bank statement, notarized affidavit of support, embassy, agency or government letter of support. Expenses for tuition, fees, insurance, and living expenses for a year at Centralia College are available at International students are not eligible for financial aid, but they can apply for college scholarships. Continued enrollment will require a more current statement of financial support.
  3. Official transcripts from high school and all colleges attended (including all language schools, universities, etc.)
  4. Copy of current passport.
  5. Students with a TOEFL score higher than 500 (paper- based)/173 (computer-based)/61 (Internet-based) or an IELTS score higher than 5.5 may enroll in college- level courses after an assessment of readiness has been completed at Centralia College.

Note: All international students are REQUIRED to purchase student health insurance each quarter through the Enrollment Services Office.

Admission as a Running Start Student

Running Start Program

Advising/Counseling Center
TransAlta Commons Building, Second Floor

For high school juniors and seniors who are academically ready for college-level work, Running Start provides a valuable opportunity to earn up to two years of college tuition-free while finishing their high school requirements. Running Start students may enroll in academic/transfer or professional/ technical courses. Through an agreement with the high school, Running Start students do not pay college tuition. Students pay for fees and books; these fees may be waived for low- income students.

Students can contact their high school counselor or visit the Advising/Counseling Center for more information.

To apply for Running Start, students must return the following to the Advising/Counseling Center:

  1. Apply online at
  2. High school transcript
  3. Placement test results

Program acceptance letters will be sent after the application and qualifying placements are received with additional instructions.

Advising/Educational Planning

Advising/Counseling Center

Centralia College East or TransAlta Commons Building, Second Floor

Assessing one’s readiness for college coursework is the first step toward success as a college student.
Students that gain priority status, will be assigned a faculty advisor who will assist with planning a program of study. Only by considering one’s academic readiness and life situation can one choose courses that offer the right amount of challenge and workload. An advisor can assist with these choices.


New Students
After applying for admission, securing funding for tuition and fees, and completing/submitting placement, students should come to the Advising/Counseling Center to schedule an advising appointment.

Returning Students
Returning students must meet with an advisor prior to registering. Visit the Advising/Counseling Center or Centralia College East, or call 360-623-8967 to schedule an appointment.

Current Students
Students must meet with their advisor on Advising Day or during Advising Week to plan their classes and get their registration hold released. Students are expected to contact their advisor BEFORE Advising Day to set up an advising appointment. After meeting with their advisor, students can visit their ctcLink student homepage to access their registration time and register for classes.

Students may request to change their advisor at any time.

Note: It is the student’s responsibility to meet all graduation and transfer requirements (if applicable). The advisor only assists and is not responsible for a student’s total planning.


Enrollment Services Office

TransAlta Commons Building, Second Floor
360-736-8976 Main Campus • 360-496-5022 Centralia College East

Registration is the process of enrolling in classes. Only officially registered students may attend class. Registration depends on the type of student and their educational plans.

Students can register based upon the following order of their registration status:

  1. Early
  2. Priority
  3. Open

Early Registration

Per RCWs1,2, Centralia College provides Early Registration, which takes place before Priority Registration, to student Veterans, spouses/dependents using VA educational benefits or the state veteran waiver and some students with specific disabilities.

Priority Registration

In order to qualify for Priority Registration, students must complete the following steps:

  1. Apply for Admission,
  2. Intend on earning a certificate, degree or diploma,
  3. Complete placement requirement(s),
  4. Complete the orientation (if required), and
  5. Meet with an entry advisor.

Students that have completed the process will be assigned a faculty advisor and changed to priority status. Students with priority enrollment status are given priority in selecting their classes, after students with Early Registration status, for the next quarter. Appointment times for registration are created according to total Centralia College cumulative credits earned.

Having earned at least 90 credits, students accepted into any Bachelors of Applied Sciences program(s) will receive a registration time before students working toward an associate degree/certificate.

Centralia College has the authority to determine additional populations that can be moved to an earlier registration time, regardless of units earned.

Open Registration

The period of registration in which drop-in students register is called open registration. Students interested in taking classes, workshops, non-degree programs, or learning assistance programs for personal enrichment can register during open registration. If the class is for credit and/or a grade, the student will need to apply for admission. Drop-in students register after early and priority registration. Drop-in students can register for remaining classes on a first-come, first-served, space-available basis.
1 RCW 28B.15.624 / 2 RCW 28B.10.912

Late Registration

Students may add classes by completing and submitting a Class Registration Form or Schedule Change form to the Enrollment Services Office. Forms are available on the college’s website and in the Enrollment Services Office. To add classes that are filled, students must ask for the instructor’s permission and, if authorized, obtain the instructor’s signature or authorization via email or Canvas. To add any class after the second day, whether it is filled or not, students must obtain the instructor’s signature.

The form must be taken to the Enrollment Services Office for processing. Students will not be allowed to add a class after the first 10 days of the quarter (eighth day of summer) except in continuous enrollment classes without a Late Registration Authorization Form. For continuous enrollment or Late starting courses, registration may continue after the second week of the quarter.

Change of Schedule/Withdrawal from Classes

Students can add and drop classes for a limited time at the beginning of each quarter. To add or withdraw officially from a class, students must submit a Class Registration form to the Enrollment Services Office. Forms are available on the college’s website and in the Enrollment Services Office. Through the first week of the quarter, students can drop their class(es) through ctcLink.


  • Students are strongly encouraged to consult with their advisor before adding or dropping classes. Running Start students must have their advisor’s signature before adding or dropping classes. Students who are receiving financial aid and/or scholarships should consult with the Financial Aid Office to avoid jeopardizing their aid. Student who are receiving VA Educational Benefits must check in with the School Certifying Official to avoid jeopardizing their aid.
  • Students who stop attending class will NOT be dropped or withdrawn automatically. Official withdrawal is required. To withdraw from a class, students must submit a Class Registration form to the Enrollment Services Office. Failing to withdraw officially may result in a failing grade in the class.
  • Students are required to pay for any classes for which they register. Refunds are available for a limited time at the beginning of each quarter.

Student Withdrawal

Students who withdraw from their class(es) before the Enrollment Census Date will have their name removed from the class list and no record will appear on their transcript.

If a student withdraws from the class, after the census date and by the last class day, the student will receive a grade of “W” on their transcript. Students who stop attending class will not be withdrawn automatically.

Instructor Initiated Withdrawal

Students are expected to attend all classes for which they enroll. Faculty will notify Enrollment Services of all students who do not attend class or secure approval for their absence: this notification will take place after the end of the second class session, but before noon of the sixth business day from the start of the term.

Note: The instructor must notify the Enrollment Services Office of this withdrawal by noon of the sixth business day since the start of the class. If a student has attended before the first day that an instructor can drop the student for non-attendance, the student cannot be dropped from the class for non-attendance.

Administrative Initiated Withdrawal

The most common reason for administrative withdrawal is class cancellation. Administration may withdraw students for non-grade related reasons such as, but not limited to, medical, disciplinary, error, or military assignment.