Centralia College offers different degrees to meet varied student needs. All associate degrees require a minimum of 90 units. To be eligible for a degree or certificate from Centralia College, students must earn at least 15 credits or 25 percent (whichever is lower) of the credits being applied towards the degree or certificate from Centralia College - see Academic Residency in this catalog for details. It is possible to earn a second degree if a student satisfies all the requirements of both degrees.
Bachelor Of Applied Science Degrees
A traditional bachelor degree requires general education classes from many disciplines and is designed to provide students a wide base of knowledge, allowing them to concentrate their education in the third or fourth year of their education. A BAS degree gives students the chance to focus their education on their specific educational and career goals early within their education and incorporates more practical and concentrated hands-on learning in a specific industry or the career of their choice.
General Transfer Degrees
General transfer degrees are accepted by all state colleges and universities in Washington through formal agreements, including the Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA), between the universities and the community college system. Students who complete a General Transfer degree will, upon acceptance to a Washington public or signatory private college or university, generally be granted 90 transfer units. Students may still need to complete more than 90 quarterly units to graduate in their major. Centralia College General Transfer degrees include:
- Associate in Arts and derivative degrees
- Associate in Science and derivative degrees
Limited Transfer Degrees
Limited Transfer degrees may be accepted by select baccalaureate institutions, but there is no statewide agreement guaranteeing 90 units will be accepted in transfer. Depending upon the institution, students may have their units evaluated on a course by course basis. Centralia College Limited Transfer degrees include:
Associate In Applied Science - Transfer
Career and Technical Education degrees are designed to provide detailed skills related to a profession and are not primarily intended for transfer. Some institutions accept these degrees under an “upside down” model that allows the student to complete content- specific work in the first two years and round out his or her education by completing general university requirements (GURs) in the second two years of the baccalaureate. Centralia College Career and Technical Education degrees include: Associate in Applied Science.
General Studies Degree
The General Studies degree allows the student more latitude in designing a degree based upon personal interests, but does not necessarily meet the requirements for direct transfer. As with all degrees not designated as General Transfer, there is no guarantee all 90 units required for the degree will transfer or that general university requirements will be satisfied.
Certificates Of Proficiency
Certificates of Proficiency are Career and Technical Education programs that require at least 45 units and which provide job specific skills.
Certificates Of Completion
Certificates of Completion are similar to Certificates of Proficiency except requiring less than 45 units.
High School Diploma and Ged
High School Diplomas and GEDs can be obtained by meeting all requirements for the Centralia College High School Diploma or by passing the GED tests, respectively.
Student Learning Competencies
Student learning is central to the college’s mission. All degrees offered by Centralia College are designed to provide experiences that lead to the attainment of general education outcomes as embodied in the following student learning competencies:
Critical Analysis: the student effectively evaluates information and creates solutions through observation, reflection, reasoning, and experience.
Communication: the student effectively conveys information and ideas by adapting their communication style to different situations and audiences when speaking, writing, and listening to others.
Global Awareness & Cultural Competency: the student effectively engages with the multi-cultural world by studying the practices and perspectives of varying communities and cultures.
Information Literacy: the student effectively engages in a reflective process of inquiry to find, evaluate, use, and ethically create content
Program Outcomes
Distribution Area Outcomes, found at the end of this section, define the program outcomes for degrees based on the Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) and Associate in Science. In addition to the general outcomes, individual transfer programs have content designed to prepare students for success in that field.
Each Career and Technical Education degree or certificate includes courses that enable students to achieve profession-specific program outcomes. These program outcomes are listed on the program pages on the college website.
General Transfer Degrees
Associate In Arts Degree
In addition to the general requirements listed below, derivative programs may have additional requirements as listed in the programs of study in the next section. The Associate in Arts degree represents the broad knowledge generally acquired in the first two years of a four-year program leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree. When students earn the AA, they may transfer to a baccalaureate institution within the state of Washington with assurance that they have satisfied all or most of the basic requirements (General University Requirements/ Distribution Requirements). This means, generally, that AA transfer students can begin work on their specialized, major-area course work as soon as they transfer.
Degree Requirements:
To qualify for an Associate in Arts degree, students must complete a minimum of 90 units in courses numbered 100 or above, with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 (“C” average).The 90 units must include the following: Communication Skills 10 units
Quantitative Skills 5 units
Humanities - 15 units
Select from at least three of the disciplines listed on the distribution list. No more than 5 units in foreign language at the 100 level may apply. Social Sciences - 15 units
Select from at least three disciplines listed on the distribution list. Natural Sciences - 15 units
Select from at least two disciplines on the distribution list. Include at least one laboratory course. Health and Fitness - 3 units
Selected from either discipline listed on the distribution list. Diversity - 3 units
A 3 to 5 credit course listed as a Diversity (D) course. Diversity courses may also meet other Distribution Requirements. Academic Electives - 27 units
A minimum of 27 elective units are required. Elective courses may be selected to satisfy major emphasis requirements (see program summaries section), or to satisfy department requirements of the college/university chosen for transfer. If desired, students may include up to a maximum of 12 units from courses numbered 100 and above that are not included on the ICRC approved electives list. A maximum of three (3) PE units may be included in the AA degree.
Associate In Science Degree
The Associate in Science degree represents attainments generally required by four-year colleges and universities for pre- professional programs in scientific disciplines. The need for early concentration on coursework in the chosen scientific major diminishes the general educational experience demonstrated by the Associate in Arts degree.
By working with an advisor in the completion of one of the two Associate in Science tracks, students can transfer to one of the Washington baccalaureate institutions with reasonable assurance they have completed all or most of the prerequisite courses for the targeted science major.
Degree Requirements:
- A minimum of 90 units is required for the degree.
- A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 (“C” average) is required for the degree.
- Students completing this Associate in Science degree will receive the same priority consideration for admission to most Washington state baccalaureate institutions as they would for completing the direct transfer Associate in Arts degree and will be given junior status by the receiving institution.
- Additional general education requirements, cultural diversity requirements, and foreign language requirements, as required by the transfer institution, must be met prior to the completion of a baccalaureate degree.
- Students are responsible for checking specific major requirements of baccalaureate institutions in the year prior to transferring.
Courses for programs of study fall into two tracks that are listed in the program section of this catalog. These programs are designed to match specific major requirements and also to meet the general distribution requirements listed below
Communication Skills 5 units
Quantitative Skills 10 units
Humanities & Social Sciences - 15 units
Select from at least three disciplines listed on the distribution list with at least 5 units from humanities (H) and 5 units from social sciences (SS). The remaining 5 units can be from either category. Health and Fitness - 3 units
Select three (3) units from the list of courses approved for health and fitness (HF) distribution. Diversity - 3-5 units
A 3 to 5 unit course listed as a Diversity (D) course. Diversity courses may carry another distribution designation that can be counted toward both distribution requirements. Track I - Biological Sciences, Environmental/Resource Sciences, Chemistry, Geology, Earth Science Core Requirements: - 48-56 units
Students should work with an advisor to determine the best class based upon the specific discipline at the baccalaureate institution the student selects to attend. Remaining Units: 1-9 units
Sufficient additional college-level units so that the total units earned are at least 90-quarter units. These remaining units may include prerequisites for major courses, additional pre-major coursework, or specific general education or other university requirements, as approved by the advisor.
No more than two units of non-academic electives.
A list of classes that should be considered for the units:
Track II - Atmospheric Science, Computer Science, Engineering, Physics Core Requirements: - 26 units
Remaining Units: - 31 units
The remaining 31 units should be planned with the help of an advisor based on the requirements of the specific discipline at the baccalaureate institution the student selects to attend.
No more than two units of non-academic electives.
Electives up to a maximum of 5 units from courses numbered 100 or above that are not included on the ICRC approved electives list should be planned with the help of an advisor, based on the requirements of the specific discipline at the baccalaureate institution and using the programs listed later in this catalog.
Major Related Programs
In addition to the transfer degrees listed above, the college offers degrees derived from both the Associate in Arts degree (AA) and the Associate in Science degree (AS). These degrees have been developed through collaboration between the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) and the public colleges and universities in Washington.
These degrees may have specific requirements beyond those required by the AA or AS as listed in the program plan.
Limited Transfer Degrees
Associate In Applied Science-Transfer
The Associate in Applied Science-Transfer degree is for transfer to schools offering baccalaureates in applied science. This degree combines the technical focus of the Associate in Technical Arts with a minimum of 20 units of transferable academic courses.
This degree is not generally transferable. Students intending to transfer should work with an advisor to make sure this is the right degree.
Degree Requirements:
To qualify for the degree, students must complete a minimum of 90 units in subjects numbered 100 or above. Students must also achieve a grade point average (GPA) of at least a 2.0 (“C” average).
Courses must be selected in accordance with a college program of study. Check with an advisor for a current list of programs. These programs are designed to incorporate specific and major requirements as well as meet general education and related instruction requirements.
The program must include:
Quantitative Reasoning
- (see distribution list) - 5 units
Humanities & Social Science
- (see distribution list) - 10 units
Health & Fitness
- (see distribution list) - 3 units
Career and Technical Degrees
Associate In Applied Science Degree
Students whose plan is to prepare to compete for employment in an occupational field may choose to earn an Associate in Applied Science degree. Since this degree concentrates on a particular trade or skill, it does not have broad general education requirements.
Whether a technical course will transfer or count as a degree requirement for a baccalaureate degree is at the discretion of the transfer college or university.
The 90 units must include the following related instruction minimum requirements:
- Written Communication Skills - 5 units
- Health and Fitness - 3 units from list of approved health or PE courses in Health and Fitness distribution (HF)
- Computation Skills - 5 units
Programs vary in total units necessary to obtain a degree, although the minimum requirement is 90 units. Core program units are designed to meet occupational skills standards.
Associate in General Studies Degree
The Associate in General Studies degree is designed for students who do not plan to transfer to a four-year college or pursue an Associate in Technical Arts degree in a specific occupational area. It is a terminal degree with emphasis on improvement of basic skills, general knowledge in the areas of humanities, natural science and social science, and some specialty of choice. This degree is designed to prepare the student to lead a full and useful life.
To qualify for the Associate in General Studies degree, students must complete 90 units in courses numbered 100 or above, with a cumulative grade point average of at least a 2.0 (“C” average).
The 90 units must include the following:
Forty-three (43) units taken in communication skills, humanities, math/natural sciences, social sciences, and health and fitness consisting of the following:
- A minimum of ten (10) units in communication skills ENGL& 101 , ENGL& 102 , or ENGL& 235 .
- A minimum of ten (10) units in each of the three general areas of knowledge (humanities, math/natural sciences, and social sciences). See the AA distribution list.
- Three (3) units from the list of courses approved for Health and Fitness distribution.
An additional 47 units of the student’s choosing to satisfy their own educational plans or interests. Choices can be occupational, personal enjoyment, physical education, or academic courses.
Certificates and Programs
Certificates Of Completion
Students may be awarded a certificate of completion by successfully completing a set group of courses from a professional/technical program. These certificates are less than 45 units. The courses tend to concentrate on one set of skills.
Certificates Of Proficiency
Students may earn a Certificate of Proficiency by completing a professional/technical program which typically requires a minimum of 45 units, includes related instruction, and a grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 (“C”). At times, the State Board of Community Colleges (SBCTC), will approve a certificate of proficiency between 40-44 units based on strong evidence provided by the college during the program approval process. Certificates of Proficiency are awarded in these programs:
- Accounting Clerk
- Criminal Investigation
- Industrial Trades
- Medical Office Assistant / Medical Scribe
- Office Applications / Office Assistant
- Phlebotomy
- Retail Management
- State Early Childhood Education Certificate
- Welding
Transitional Studies Programs
Transitional Studies help you learn English, earn a high school diploma or GED, or prepare for college and job training. Classes are offered in the morning and evening and at various locations throughout Lewis County. The cost is $25 per quarter (waivers are available). Most programs are open to students age 16 years and older. Any student younger than 19 must provide a high school release form. Contact Transitional Studies at 360-623-8957 or BEdA@centralia.edu.
English Language Acquisition (ELA)
Non-native English students learn to listen, speak, read, and write English. Students learn basic computer skills and prepare for academic and Career and Technical classes. Students will thrive in the community and at work.
Reading for Civics is a citizenship preparation class. Students learn to complete the N-400 (Citizenship) application, and prepare for the naturalization interview with USCIS. Students gain confidence and learn interview skills. They also practice reading, writing, speaking, and listening in English.
Adult High School Diploma
High School Plus is a competency-based high school diploma program for adult learners 18 and older who do not have a high school diploma or equivalent.
Please submit an official high school transcript to the Enrollment Services prior to advising. Official transcripts can be submitted directly to Enrollment Services (second floor, TransAlta Commons) or mailed to: Enrollment Services, 600 Centralia College Blvd., Centralia, WA 98531-4099
GED classes focus on GED topics to help students prepare for the Mathematical Reasoning, Reasoning Through Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science tests.
Career and College Preparation
Students with a high school diploma or GED can brush up on their reading, writing, and math for college level classes, to prepare for job training or for entering the job market. Students enrolled in college preparation classes can take other college classes at the same time.
Distribution Area Outcomes & Courses
In this catalog, courses that satisfy distribution requirements are identified by a capital letter at the end of the course title. Use the following guide to identify the distribution categories:
C - Communication
H - Humanities
M - Mathematics/Quantitative Skills
SS - Social Science
NS - Natural Science
HF - Health and Fitness
D - Diversity
Distribution Requirements (also known as General University Requirements or GURs) are part of each transfer degree. Courses that fulfill Distribution Requirements meet specific criteria listed below:
Communication Skills (C)
- The course carries three or more units.
- The course objectives address three or more of the following outcomes. Upon successful completion of designated courses, students will have demonstrated the ability to:
- Recognize structures and modes of development that are used to inform, persuade, or entertain (Competencies: Communication and Global Awareness & Cultural Competency).
- Apply analytical thinking to reading, writing, revising, and discussion activities (Competencies: Critical Analysis, Communication, Global Awareness & Cultural Competency).
- Prepare clearly organized and well-supported written works, including specific documentation formats, which meet the conventions of assignments (Competencies: Critical Analysis and Communication).
- Collaborate with others respectfully and with attention to guidelines given for various projects (Competencies: Global Awareness & Cultural Competency)
- Discuss and respond to writings drawn from diverse traditions, ethnicities, cultures, classes, and genders (Competencies: Global Awareness & Cultural Competency)
- Access and utilize appropriate technologies and library resources in the preparation of written and oral projects (Competencies: Communication, Information Literacy, and Global Awareness & Cultural Competency).
Quantitative Skills (M)
- The prerequisite for the course is Algebra II (MATH 99 or equivalent).
- The course objectives address the following outcomes. Upon successful completion of designated courses, students will have demonstrated the ability to:
- Recognize and then apply mathematical concepts to personal, professional and scientific situations. (Competencies: Critical Analysis).
- Communicate ideas through mathematics graphically, symbolically, numerically and verbally with clarity and accuracy. (Competencies: Communication).
- Utilize technology as a tool in the application of mathematical concepts. (Competencies: Information Literacy).
*Although this class offers distribution, it is only available to students in specific BAS programs. Humanities (H)
- The course carries three or more units.
- The course objectives address three or more of the following outcomes:
- Students should be able to:
- Articulate the roles, purposes, and functions of the Humanities using discipline-specific vocabulary. (Competencies: Critical Analysis and Communication).
- Recognize and apply the discipline-specific structures used to communicate critically and/or creatively. (Competencies: Critical Analysis and Communication).
- Access and utilize appropriate technologies to research, experience, and respond to the Humanities (Competencies: Critical Analysis, Communication and Information Literacy).
- Explore and assess how language, philosophy, and/or the arts represent and record individuals’ and communities’ engagement with social issues. (Competencies: Global Awareness and Cultural Competency)
- Demonstrate an understanding of, and appreciation for, how these humanities influence, and are influenced by, their cultural contexts. (Competencies: Critical Analysis, Global Awareness and Cultural Competency).
* No more than five units allowed for distribution in performance/skills courses.
** No more than five units in a foreign language at the 100 level allowed for distribution.
*** Although this class offers distribution, it is only available to students in specific BAS programs.
Social Science (SS)
- The course carries three or more units.
- The course objectives address all of the following outcomes. Upon successful completion of designated courses, students will have demonstrated the ability to:
- Describe social, political, economic, linguistic, cultural, historical, and religious factors that explain human behavior and mental processes at individual and group levels (Competencies: Communication and Global Awareness & Cultural Competency).
- Identify and apply terminology, concepts, theories, data, and principles used by the various social science disciplines (Competencies: Critical Analysis and Global Awareness & Cultural Competency).
- Develop an informed sense of self that demonstrates tolerance and respect for diverse perspectives (Competencies: Global Awareness & Cultural Competency and Information Literacy).
- Demonstrate critical thinking skills through formulating questions, analyzing data, and distinguishing between objective fact and subjective interpretation (Competencies: Critical Analysis).
*Although this class carries distribution, it is only available to students in specific BAS programs. Natural Science (NS)
- The course is broad in scope, covering major concepts.
- The course objectives address all of the following outcomes. Upon successful completion of designated courses, students will have demonstrated the ability to:
- Communicate key scientific concepts in oral, written, and/or visual format using the language of science. (Competencies: Communication).
- Apply the scientific method to solve problems, conduct experiments, evaluate data, and test hypotheses. (Competencies: Critical Analysis, Communication, Global Awareness & Cultural Competency).
- Critically evaluate scientific information and its sources (Competencies: Critical Analysis, Global Awareness & Cultural Competency).
* Although this class offers distribution, it is only available to students in specific BAS programs. Health and Fitness (HF)
The course provides the student with knowledge and skills that enable them to achieve and maintain optimal health over a lifetime. Health and Physical Education courses are non-academic electives. Physical Education
(No more than 3 units may be counted toward a transfer degree) Diversity (D)
- The course carries three or more units.
- Diversity courses may also meet other Distribution Requirements.
- The course focus should address human diversity by examining the experiences and contributions of underrepresented groups. This can include but is not limited to culture, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic class, physical disability, mental disability, religion, age, immigration status and/or geopolitical power.
- The course objectives address the following outcomes: Students should be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the contributions made by individuals from diverse and/or underrepresented groups. (Competencies: Critical Analysis, Global Awareness & Cultural Competency, and Information Literacy).
- Analyze the multiple identities, histories, cultures, perspectives, contributions, knowledge, struggles, and/or strategies of historically excluded groups. (Competencies: Critical Analysis, Global Awareness & Cultural Competency, and Information Literacy).
- Explain the value of diversity in the classroom, workplace, community, country, and the world. (Competencies: Critical Analysis, Communication, Global Awareness & Cultural Competency, and Information Literacy).
- Explain personal views, values, and prejudices and their impact on the ability to identify and benefit from the contributions of others. (Competencies: Critical Analysis, Communication, Global Awareness & Cultural Competency, and Information Literacy).
Intercollege Relations Commission (Icrc) Approved Academic Electives
For additional information and current transfer policies, please refer to the Intercollege Relations Commission (ICRC) Handbook at https://www.wa-council.org/icrc/
Accounting |
201, 202, 203 |
Anthropology |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
American Sign Language |
121, 122, 123 |
Art |
100, 102, 111, 130, 160, 174, 200, 201, 202, 203, 210, 211 |
Astronomy |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
Biology |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
Botany |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
Business Administration |
101, 201 |
Chemistry |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
Chinese |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
Communication Studies |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
Criminal Justice |
101, 104, 105, 106, 110, 240 |
Drama |
all courses numbered 101 and above |
Early Childhood Education |
105 |
Economics |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
Education |
115, 201, 205 |
English |
all courses numbered 101 and above |
Environmental Science |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
French |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
General Engineering |
all courses numbered 111 and above |
Geography |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
Geology |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
History |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
Humanities |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
Information Technology |
CS& 131 , CS& 141 , I T 101 |
Journalism |
180 |
Mathematics |
all courses numbered 107 and above (except 110 and 116) |
Media Studies |
125, 220, 225, 230, 260 |
Music |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
Nutrition |
101, 103, 202, 203 |
Oceanography |
101 |
Philosophy |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
Physics |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
Political Science |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
Psychology |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
Science |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
Sociology |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
Spanish |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
Speech |
all courses numbered 100 and above |
Substance Use Disorder Professional |
100 |